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STRATEGY                                                                                                                GOALS & OBJECTIVES

                                                                                                                                    Diversity, quality, consistency, professionalism, disposability,
                                                                                                                                    variety of products, guarantee and stability in services in
              VISION                                                                                                                addition to competitive prices in order to develop our brands
                                                                                                                                    further and become one of the biggest Travel & Tourism groups
              To provide the best service to our                                                                                    worldwide.
              partners and become the leader
              Travel & Tourism Group in both the
              region and beyond.


                                                                                                                                        We appreciate and maintain close, personal ties. For all your questions
               MISION                                                                                                                   and needs we make sure to answer.
                                                                                                                                         Quality of advice:
               We do what we know best. Therefore, the company’s     SKILLS
               top priority is offering products to our business                                                                        Our team of highly motivated consultants offer travel tips and detailed
               partners, tailored by destination specialists who know                                                                   information for each destination.
               every corner of the destination, how to get around    Great quality of service,
               the place meanwhile having direct contacts with the   simplicity in dealing and                                           Quality of the offer:
               suppliers and other involved parties.                 handling your Travel
                                                                     requirements, adequate                                             We recommend only hotels, guides service, restaurants and other that
               They act as troubleshooters when needed and pass      care of your valuable                                              have been selected by us and met our strict quality standards.
               their know-how on to you and your clients!            customers’ needs and
               To work relentlessly in order to guarantee the best   frequently providing
               prices for your bulk purchases. This way we make      new travel experiences.                                             Communication:
               sure you are able to give your customers good offers   Ability to offer a variety of
               while still make healthy profits.                     selected plans, individual                                         Your feedback is important to us, your reviews and comments are very
                                                                     travel modules and insider                                         valuable, which allows us to move forward.
               To possess the autonomy to create individual travel   tips to satisfy all tastes and
               arrangements in accordance with your customers’       expectations.                                                       Founder’s guidance:
               wishes. Tailor-made Travel packages are “crafted”
               with professional care.
                                                                                                                                        Founder’s guidance: Move forward to new challenges! Continuity of
                                                                                                                                        leadership creates trust! Is the moto of VAS GROUP’s founder

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